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From the glimmer of an idea to the stroke of a pencil, the first turn of a door handle to the flickering of a smile across a face, at Marraum we bring more to your space – and take your story beyond its walls.

And we begin with you. Because at the heart of each architecture project – studio spaces, private loft conversions, commercial builds or building that dream home – are the people who use it.

They’re the yawns that stretch to eye-widening views in the morning. They’re the feet feeling cool concrete underfoot. They’re the eyes looking for inspiration at their desks. And the shoulders that hunker down in the evening. These are the people whose surroundings bring more to each and every experience.

With years of architecture and design experience in both Cornwall and further afield – paired with aesthetic drive, strong ethics and constant curiosity – we know how to make space work harder for you.So from beginning, middle and end – discover how you can bring your own story of space to life.


Architecture MArch

The simplest ideas are often the best ones. For me, the most successful design solutions honour a certain truth; responding directly to the context of place, while harnessing natural light and celebrating humble materials.

I’m drawn to the problem-solving process, and in my role I adopt an exploratory mindset, from appraising options in concept design, right through to delivering suitable detail solutions in the technical stages.

My passion and understanding for buildings started young, surrounded by family that had carved out various careers in construction, from surveyors to joiners. Combining this background with a love of the outdoors, and in particular the coast; I chose to study for both my bachelors and masters degrees in architecture at Falmouth University and have been rooted here ever since.

My studies were an opportunity to develop my digital skill base, including 3D/BIM software and producing high quality renders. These are skills that I’m now able to draw on at Marraum when we are visualising our ideas for clients.

When I’m not in the studio, I’m probably working on my own renovation project! But when I can unwind, I like to enjoy the simple things in life, spending quality time with family and friends, and exploring my other passions, including football and music.

