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Step in, before it's built...


From the glimmer of an idea to the stroke of a pencil, the first turn of a door handle to the flickering of a smile across a face, at Marraum we bring more to your space – and take your story beyond its walls.

And we begin with you. Because at the heart of each architecture project – studio spaces, private loft conversions, commercial builds or building that dream home – are the people who use it.

They’re the yawns that stretch to eye-widening views in the morning. They’re the feet feeling cool concrete underfoot. They’re the eyes looking for inspiration at their desks. And the shoulders that hunker down in the evening. These are the people whose surroundings bring more to each and every experience.

With years of architecture and design experience in both Cornwall and further afield – paired with aesthetic drive, strong ethics and constant curiosity – we know how to make space work harder for you.So from beginning, middle and end – discover how you can bring your own story of space to life.



Taking in the view from your favourite chair. Standing on tiptoes and watching the perspective shift in front of your eyes. Seeing virtual sunlight scattered across bed sheets. Experience the next step in architecture with Marraum.
We’re taking designs off the page and putting you at the centre of your project with virtual reality (VR) technology. Explore the possibilities of your space, before the build begins.
From the comfort of our waterside office, we’ll transport you into the heart of your design. Simply put on the VR headset to walk through your space, step through doors, and even peer at the view out over the kitchen sink.
With the exact scale and perspective of your project rendered into a virtual landscape, you’re able to experience the design possibilities before they happen. From new builds to extensions, renovations to warehouses, our VR technology brings every proposal, of any size, to life.
close up of someone wearing virtual reality goggles


We’ve integrated VR technology, creating immersive landscapes you can experience first-hand.

But it’s about more than just experiencing space beyond the drawing board. Our use of VR goes way further than the gaming realm. Instead, we’re influenced by the automobile, avionic and shipbuilding industries, where VR is used to improve design, to test practicalities, and to sharpen precision.

Incorporating VR into the design process means we’re able to remove any uncertainties from your build. Experiencing the design with a precise perspective means we can reveal all of the intricacies of your space in a way that our clients and collaborators can understand. It’s a world away from a 2D and even 3D architectural drawings.

But with limitless possibilities at our fingertips, we can also tailor a heightened VR experience for you. From the leaves on trees to the textures and finishes of your furniture, our advanced VR technology option delivers true detail and depth to your project. This is about more than just seeing your space; it’s about feeling it too.

marraums virtual reality illustration


Experience your design in real time

Virtual Reality brings your future space to life and allows you to step inside and explore it before construction even begins. Walk through rooms, adjust layouts, and see how different materials and finishes will look in your home. This immersive experience offers a realistic sense of scale and proportion, helping you to visualise your design in a way that traditional construction plans simply cannot achieve.


Make informed decisions

VR technology enhances decision-making by letting you see how various design elements—like colour schemes, lighting effects, and furniture—work together in the environment. This allows you to make more confident choices while avoiding costly changes down the road, ensuring that every aspect of the design and construction process aligns with your vision.


Improved communication

Effective communication is key to a successful project, and the immersive nature of VR offers a powerful tool to help your architect understand your needs. By exploring the virtual version of your design, you can easily share and discuss your ideas in real time. This approach maximises collaboration and ensures everyone is on the same page, contributing to a smoother, more cohesive project.


Identify issues early

Spot potential design flaws or spatial issues before they become real-world challenges to overcome. With VR, you can thoroughly evaluate your design to address and resolve any concerns early in the process, saving both time and resources to make the construction phase smoother.


Personalise every detail

Virtual reality technology presents an invaluable opportunity to customise and perfect every aspect of your design. From adjusting the texture of surfaces to tweaking the lighting, you to see and feel how each element comes together. This level of detail ensures that the final design is tailored precisely to your preferences.


Achieve cost efficiency

Visualising and testing your design options in a virtual environment can help prevent costly modifications during construction. By addressing potential issues before they arise, you ensure that the final build aligns with your initial ideas and budget.


Present your vision creatively

VR provides a modern and immersive way to showcase your design ideas. Make your vision tangible and engaging. Offer a memorable presentation that enhances your overall experience and helps you fully appreciate the potential of your space.


Want to experience it for yourself? Get in touch with our team to see how we can make VR part of your project.